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Holiday Happenings - The Fun Begins!

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Stay up-to-date - Kearsarge Calendar's Holiday/Seasonal events page.

Despite the coronavirus situation, area holiday boutiques are popping up! Home quarantining has given artists extra time to do what they do best, create!

This week two boutiques began. The Fells Holiday Boutique will run for just 16 days and look different from previous years because it will not be held in the main house. Area decorators have been put on hold for 2021's showcase of their talents. Instead, the boutique is being held in the carriage house. Also starting up this week is the nearby Gallery of the Gifts at Newport's Library Art Center. This runs until December 22 and represents over 100 artists. Both are sure to get your holiday mood going!

For those of you who missed not being able to attend the COA's chili event and the Chili and Chowder event in Sunapee Harbor, warm your belly with the Sutton Historical Society's Chili-To-Go event. You need to reserve your order by this Thursday, November 12th, for pickup on Saturday, November 14.

As holiday events trickle in - Covid-19 has slowed everything down - keep checking Kearsarge Calendar's Holiday/Seasonal page for local tree lightings, virtual holiday events, and other festivities offered safely.

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